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VIDEO: Central Regional FA Chairman reiterates confidence in Kurt Okraku to transform Ghana football

Chairman of the Central Region Football Association Joseph Otieku Duncan has called on conveners of the ‘Save Ghana Football’ demonstration to slow down with their calls insisting the football family is impressed with Kurt Okraku.

The conveners of the demonstration are calling for massive reforms in Ghana football after petitioning the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ghana FA and the Parliament of Ghana.

During their demonstration, some of their placards called for the resignation of the Ghana FA president Kurt Edwin Simeon Okraku following the poor show of the Black Stars at the 2023 AFCON in Ivory Coast.

But Duncan, who has over 30 years’ experience in football administration insists the football family can evaluate the positives of the current administration and want Kurt to continue his administration.

In the video below, Duncan enumerates a number of factors to support his claim and challenges the rational thinking Ghanaian to ponder over them.


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