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Mark Addo chairs search committee for next Black Stars manager

The Ghana Football Association has unveiled the process for selecting the next coach of the Black Stars and appointed a five-person search committee to assess candidates and submit recommendations for approval to the Executive Council.

This comes after Chris Hughton was fired on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, from his position as Black Stars coach.

Mark Addo, the vice president of the Ghana Football Association, will preside over the search committee. Legal practitioner and professor Ace Ankomah (Esq.) will serve as vice chairman of the search committee.

Other members of the committee include William Caesar Kartey, chief director of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Opoku Nti, a legend in Ghana football, and Professor Joseph Kwame Mintah, director of coaching education for the GFA.

The search committee has three weeks to recommend the next Black Stars coach to the Executive Council for approval.

Soon, a comprehensive job description for the Black Stars head coach vacancy will be released. Nonetheless, the following is a condensed list of the requirements for choosing the next head coach:

1.The potential Head Coach should be a proven winner in coaching Top Men’s  National Team or Club Football

2.Must have a football philosophy that aligns or compliments our DNA

3.Must hold the highest football license in the world with over 15 years coaching experience

4.Proven track record in team reconstruction, organization and development of young talent

5.Proven disciplinarian, tactician and leadership skills


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