Sienu TV

Sienu TV

GFA President Kurt Okraku reiterates commitment to give buses to clubs to ease transportation woes

Ghana FA President Kurt Edwin Simeon Okraku has assured clubs that his outfit will soon make buses for clubs to ease their transportation woes.

Speaking to the media in Kumasi, the Ghana FA capo announced that plans are underway to invest in bus purchases.

Kurt Okraku states that the plan will be fully implemented by the conclusion of the 2023–2024 football season.

“The GFA has identified a big problem with our clubs, the lack of decent transportation for our clubs and I am very sure you do remember our promise to invest in thirty buses for our clubs, this strategy is underway will take full effect at the end of this current football season,” Kurt Okraku said as quoted on the website of the GFA.

He continued, “The twelve promised buses representing the first tranche will be ready for our clubs to pick up. The idea is to strategically invest in the purchase of thirty buses for our clubs; these buses will be used by clubs in the Ghana Premier League, Division One League and Women’s Premier League.”

Clubs in the Ghana Premier League and the two lower-tier leagues will benefit from the bus strategy of the Ghana FA.


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