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Sienu TV

GFA Meet the Pess: “I’ll give a million dollar to each club if I had the means’ – Kurt Okraku

President of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) Kurt Edwin Simeon Okraku has highlighted the financial difficulties that the nation’s football teams are facing and stated that, should funds allow, he would like to provide a million dollars a year to each club.

One of the main challenges facing the GFA in meeting the financial needs of clubs in the Women’s Premier League, Division One, or Ghana Premier League is the capital-intensive nature of football, according to Okraku.

Considering the budgetary limitations, Okraku said that the funding efforts being made today are insufficient and emphasised his outfit would give more if they had the means.

“Funding is a major challenge. Football is a capital-intensive endeavor. Despite our efforts to secure funding, it has not been adequate. If given the opportunity, I would allocate one million dollars per season to each club in the Premier League, Women’s Premier League, or Division One League,” he said during the FA’s Meet The Press Session in Kumasi.

He underlined that we must never give up on trying to increase our income streams in order to get above these financial challenges.

Okraku underscored the necessity of implementing enduring strategies to support the expansion and viability of football clubs in Ghana, underscoring ongoing endeavours to augment monetary contributions to the game.


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